Wednesday, October 20, 2010

West Point Graduate Without A Demerit


October is probably my favorite month ever! Start the Fall and the cold weather and this will force us to slow down. ... I feel like you have to slow down, enjoy the better things, feelings, be more in tune with me and the world. Today was

one of those bad days, those in which I feel a little 'disappointed, a little' Scazzi, a little 'not so good, a bit' boh .... one of those days a bit 'so ... but then ... shock! instead of going to the gym, work out, I went to my home ... are always very recently out of the house, go to the gym three times a week and spending the other nights or there or there are a thousand more rounds to go In short, it was not so much that I went simply at home.

And so, finally, I've calmed down ... in my house in my silence ... ... in my kitchen.

Even this is only fair that I speak, I had recently lost a little 'magic the kitchen, the pleasure of creating good things. There were 3 apples

right there waiting for me and so ... apple pie!

I had just written a recipe on the fly in my hand and dictated by the voice of my wise suocerina waiting for me ... one of those recipes "cup" that I had never tried it yet.

And now I want to share with you ... I have not tried it yet, that's where it is cooling down but I know it will be good, you hear a odorino!

Ingredients: 2 large eggs

(possibly their own chickens!)

1 cup sugar 2 cups flour

1 / 2 cup vegetable oil 1 tablespoon baking

(dissolved in a little 'milk)

3 apples (possibly their own apple trees!)


Beat eggs with sugar (I use the whisk), add the sifted flour, oil and yeast dissolved in milk, stir everything together until the mixture is smooth and fluid enough.

Add apples previously cut into pieces and dipped in lemon juice.

Put everything into the pan and bake 1 / 2 hour at 180 degrees in convection oven.

The measure of the "glass" is maintained 2 to 1 ratio of flour and sugar is good for any kind of glass you use, however, is the best size of the glass of Nutella to speak.

But I had another 2 apples that were left and so I did what my grandmother when I was little, I was always called "compotte.

I think this name comes from Belgium, my grandparents we have to work the past few years. The

compotte is nothing but apples cooked with sugar.

is the easiest thing to be and, in my opinion, even the most good!

Cut apples into chunks, if the apples are yours or at least know that he was not given the poison, you can also make the skin, the put it in a pan and cover it with water (better not to overdo the water, it would be too runny), starts on fire and cook for a quarter of an hour. When you notice that the apples are falling apart well, I will flutter with the blender, add 2 tablespoons full of sugar, one mixed and is ready to smudge!

So much so that while I wrote this post I have made already eaten it all!

So he's gone even bad mood!

Hello hello!


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