Friday, March 11, 2011

Reason For Rashes On Legs After Waxing

The fundamental importance of the pears.

A considerable amount of vitamin C help the normal metabilismo prenvengono cellular damage caused by free radicals.

The pear is rich in natural sugars (fructose and fructose) are ideal for those on a diet as a result the medium contains only 100 calories.
are also recommended for diabetics, are an excellent source of natural fiber needed for proper nutrition.
fibers restrict the presence of sugar in the blood and improve the functions of the digestive system contenedo cholesterol.
Pears contain much potassium, useful item for those who play intense sports activity.
But in addition to the flowers and fruit of pear leaves are good for health. With 30 grams of flowers in a quart of water you can prepare a tea
be taken four times daily as a diuretic and disinfectant to combat cystitis.
With 40 grams of leaves mixed with the pulp of a fruit is preparing a decoction effective against gout.

A curiosity on pear
The face of King Louis Philippe was satirically compared to a pear and goliardic this cost to the authors of the gesture several years of prion.


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